Hello and welcome to the wholesale blog of passepasse!!
Here I will try my best to give you regular updates on all the new items coming out soon and also info of what has or is coming back into stock.
But I also want to keep this blog a bit personal and so maybe I might speak of my family friends and passions from time to time:-)
For those who don't really know me, let me introduce myself.
My name is Christopher Blair and I founded PassePasse some 20 years ago. Since those early days of doing trade fairs & conventions all over the world, I've now settled down and divide my time between my homes in London & Paris.
I have been very lucky over the years to have built up a very good team who take care of the day to day running of our various websites & the large retail shop in Paris.
That leaves me to take care of product development and general company strategy ( That's when I'm not off racing which is my number one passion!).
I have just spent a wonderful few weeks with my two daughters in Zante, one of the Greek Islands) and then I hired a beautiful house in Normany near Hornfleur where we were joined by Laurence my ex wife. I rounded off the holidays seeing my Father who has moved to Burnham on sea then over to Mums in Wokingham before shooting back to good old Paris.
Anyway thats enough of the personal stuff. Next blog post I'll start to tell you all about the new gear coming in soon. So be sure to come back!!
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